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Recycling MOA offers a wide and varied stock of all kinds of pallets, do not hesitate to contact us in the face of any questions. We also offer the pallet purchasing service where we recover and restore them through the use of the best technology…



Our continuous innovation allows us to manufacture pallets of any size. Thanks to our machinery obtained in recent years and the great team of professionals who use it, RECICLAJES MOA manufactures its pallets in record time…



The purpose of RECICLAJES MOA is to offer an agile service to industries that want to entrust their commitment to preserving the environment to a serious, expert, reliable and professional company. Always respectful of the environment.


Barcelona · Granollers · Canovelles · Sta. Perpètua · Sant Andreu de la Barca

Most industries worldwide, mainly dedicated to the production of material goods, have an element in common that, although it may seem simple, is of vital importance and without it everything would be much more complicated. We are talking about pallets, since they are an essential element when moving large loads of merchandise into or out of a warehouse.

But pallets do not appear out of nowhere, since there need to be companies that manufacture and manage them appropriately, and this is where we come in. At Reciclajes Moa we are dedicated to the purchase and sale of pallets, their manufacturing, and their proper management so that they can be reused and therefore do not become polluting waste.

At Reciclajes Moa we believe that all waste can be used and that is why we have a container service, which is responsible for collecting all of our clients' waste that is a priori polluting and converting it into functional and high-quality 100% raw and secondary materials.

logo moa 2

We have the machinery and personnel necessary to offer you a quality service.

reciclatge MOA
reciclatge MOA


Barcelona · Granollers · Canovelles · Sta. Perpètua · Sant Andreu de la Barca

Most industries worldwide, mainly dedicated to the production of material goods, have an element in common that, although it may seem simple, is of vital importance and without it everything would be much more complicated. We are talking about pallets, since they are an essential element when moving large loads of merchandise into or out of a warehouse.

But pallets do not appear out of nowhere, since there need to be companies that manufacture and manage them appropriately, and this is where we come in. At Reciclajes Moa we are dedicated to the purchase and sale of pallets, their manufacturing, and their proper management so that they can be reused and therefore do not become polluting waste.

At Reciclajes Moa we believe that all waste can be used and that is why we have a container service, which is responsible for collecting all of our clients' waste that is a priori polluting and converting it into functional and high-quality 100% raw and secondary materials.

We have the machinery and personnel necessary to offer you a quality service.

reciclatge MOA
reciclatge MOA


As leaders in the Pallet industry throughout Barcelona, we offer a wide range of products, with different characteristics and functionalities to highlight. Discover it all in our catalogue. RECYCLAJES MOA focuses its activity on the purchase and sale of pallets, and valorization and recovery of industrial waste, working mainly with materials such as wood and cardboard.



RECYCLAJES MOA focuses its activity on the purchase and sale of pallets, and valorization and recovery of industrial waste, working mainly with materials such as wood and cardboard. We are also authorized to treat pallets in compliance with the NIMF-15 regulations, which consists of applying artificial drying to the wood that allows our products to be exported to any foreign country.

Our clients start working with us because of our prices and stay because of the high level of professionalism and quality of service obtained. For this reason and thanks to the growth of our company achieved in recent years, RECICLAJES MOA is your ideal partner in the management of your pallets.



RECYCLAJES MOA focuses its activity on the purchase and sale of pallets, and valorization and recovery of industrial waste, working mainly with materials such as wood and cardboard. We are also authorized to treat pallets in compliance with the NIMF-15 regulations, which consists of applying artificial drying to the wood that allows our products to be exported to any foreign country.

Our clients start working with us because of our prices and stay because of the high level of professionalism and quality of service obtained. For this reason and thanks to the growth of our company achieved in recent years, RECICLAJES MOA is your ideal partner in the management of your pallets.

One of the characteristics of Moa Recycling What differentiates us from the competition is our ability to create completely custom pallets, thus following the needs of all our clients.


Comprar palets

Sale of Pallets

Discover our main and highest quality service.

Venta de Palets Barcelona

Sale of Pallets Barcelona

Barcelona's main company in the sale of wooden pallets

Venta de Palets Sabadell

Sale of Pallets Sabadell

Wooden pallet sales service at the best price

Compra venta de palets

Purchase and sale of pallets

Pallet purchase and sale service at the best price

Buy and sell pallets Barcelona

Quality service in Barcelona

Compra venta de palets Montcada

Purchase and sale of Montcada pallets

Successful service in the purchase and sale of pallets

Compra venta de palets Sabadell

Purchase and sale of pallets Sabadell

Leading company in the sector of the purchase and sale of pallets

Palets Barcelona

Pallets Barcelona

Design and manufacture of pallets in Barcelona

Palets Cerdanyola

Cerdanyola Pallets

The best selection of pallets in Cerdanyola

Palets Sabadell

Pallets Sabadell

Get the best pallets in Sabadell

Palets Granollers

Granollers Pallets

Pallets for your company in Granollers

Palets Mollet

Mollet Pallets

The best pallets for your company in Mollet

Palets Terrassa

Terrassa Pallets

Custom made pallets in Terrassa

Comprar palets

Buy pallets

Buy the best pallets at Reciclajes Moa

Compra venta de palets Sabadell

Buy pallets Barcelona

Buy pallets in Barcelona

Comprar palets Sabadell

Buy pallets Sabadell

Pallets for your company in Sabadell

Comprar palets Granollers

Buy Granollers pallets

Buy pallets in Granollers

Palets Sant Boi del Llobregat

Pallets Sant Boi del Llobregat

Buy the best pallets in Sant Boi del Llobregat

Palets Sant Cugat

Pallets Sant Cugat

Buy pallets in Sant Cugat

Palets Mollet

Buy Barberà del Vallès pallets

Pallets for your company in Barberà


Comprar palets

Sale of Pallets

Discover our main and highest quality service.

Venta de Palets Barcelona

Sale of Pallets Barcelona

Barcelona's main company in the sale of wooden pallets

Venta de Palets Sabadell

Sale of Pallets Sabadell

Wooden pallet sales service at the best price

Compra venta de palets

Purchase and sale of pallets

Pallet purchase and sale service at the best price

Buy and sell pallets Barcelona

Quality service in Barcelona

Compra venta de palets Montcada

Purchase and sale of Montcada pallets

Successful service in the purchase and sale of pallets

Compra venta de palets Sabadell

Purchase and sale of pallets Sabadell

Leading company in the sector of the purchase and sale of pallets

Palets Barcelona

Pallets Barcelona

Design and manufacture of pallets in Barcelona

Palets Cerdanyola

Cerdanyola Pallets

The best selection of pallets in Cerdanyola

Palets Sabadell

Pallets Sabadell

Get the best pallets in Sabadell

Palets Granollers

Granollers Pallets

Pallets for your company in Granollers

Palets Mollet

Mollet Pallets

The best pallets for your company in Mollet

Palets Terrassa

Terrassa Pallets

Custom made pallets in Terrassa

Comprar palets

Buy pallets

Buy the best pallets at Reciclajes Moa


Buy pallets Barcelona

Buy pallets in Barcelona

Comprar palets Sabadell

Buy pallets Sabadell

Pallets for your company in Sabadell

Comprar palets Granollers

Buy Granollers pallets

Buy pallets in Granollers

Palets Sant Boi del Llobregat

Pallets Sant Boi del Llobregat

Buy the best pallets in Sant Boi del Llobregat

Palets Sant Cugat

Pallets Sant Cugat

Buy pallets in Sant Cugat

palets en Granollers

Buy Barberà del Vallès pallets

Pallets for your company in Barberà


Fabricación de palets a medida y gestión de residuos; las bases para que tu empresa camine hacia la economía circular

Reciclaje, restauración y recuperación de palets de madera La economía circular busca cerrar los ciclos de vida de los productos, promoviendo su reutilización, reciclaje y la reducción de residuos. En este contexto, la fabricación de palets a medida juega un papel fundamental, ya que permite a las empresas gestionar mejor sus materiales, reducir residuos y… Read More »Fabricación de palets a medida y gestión de residuos; las bases para que tu empresa camine hacia la economía circular

¿Por qué es importante elegir una empresa especializada en la fabricación y venta de palets de madera que cuente con la ISO 9001?

Un estándar de calidad globalmente reconocido La certificación ISO 9001, un estándar reconocido internacionalmente para la gestión de la calidad, se convierte en un pilar fundamental para garantizar que las soluciones ofrecidas no solo sean responsables con el medio ambiente, sino que también cumplan con las expectativas y necesidades de los clientes. Como expertos en… Read More »¿Por qué es importante elegir una empresa especializada en la fabricación y venta de palets de madera que cuente con la ISO 9001?

La importancia del reciclaje de palets en la economía circular

Cómo el reciclaje de palets reduce el desperdicio de madera y fomenta la sostenibilidad en la cadena de suministro En un mundo cada vez más consciente de los problemas ambientales, las empresas buscan alternativas sostenibles para reducir su huella ecológica. Uno de los sectores donde se están implementando prácticas más responsables es el de la… Read More »La importancia del reciclaje de palets en la economía circular
