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Important information that we should all know about the use of pallets

The pallets They are a platform for grouping, storing and transporting packaged goods such as boxes, bags or crates. In addition, they can be used as a device that makes the loading and unloading of goods safer.

The pallets They are not intended for single use, so we can find many uses for them, favoring the transportation and storage of the product.

It is perhaps the most popular and widely used, since the main purpose of these loading units is to transport products safely and efficiently. This transportation by truck or delivery vehicle is more common in the land environment.

Although they can be used in industry or industrial logistics, the food industry is where they are of greatest importance.

It is a framework that allows organizing and securing the merchandise that is being transported. Its use dates back to World War II, when it was used to transport war materials. The pallets They are useful for transporting and storing various items. It also facilitates the handling and classification of packaged products. They can be used for vehicles, warehouses or international shipping.

Why is it better to use wooden pallets compared to plastic ones?

The use of pallets Wood offers a more profitable option for businesses, as it allows for reuse and repair. They also allow you to carry more weight than pallets plastic, but they release moisture, pollution and attract insects. On the other hand, the pallets Plastic ones are easier to clean and more weather resistant, but less economical and durable. Therefore, the choice of the type of pallet For business it requires the evaluation of many different factors. Furthermore, when using pallets To send goods abroad, it is better to use wooden pallets because they have a better load capacity.

A very wide use is to reuse these pallets made of wood for many functions, mainly furniture. Made of wood, its uses are infinite and it depends on the skill and time we have to turn it into what we want it to be. Although, due to the widely accepted usefulness, more and more items made with pallets new.

Some of the products that can be obtained by reusing pallets They are garden furniture, there are different designs and treatments to convert them mainly into tables and benches. They offer an image of simplicity, rusticity and frivolity. 

They can also be reused to build furniture, for example to make bed frames or headboards.
