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Pallets in Granollers: the fundamental element in commerce


Wood or plastic? Rent or buy? Regardless of what your operations require, pallets in Granollers They are a fundamental part of many industries.

The pallets in Granollers They are so common that they are practically invisible, yet without them, global trade would function as well as a car without tires. The pallets in Granollers They are the main interface of a charging unit. They protect product, absorb stress, support weight, withstand forklift impacts, and protect goods traveling along the supply chain.

When you consider everything they are expected to do, you will conclude that they have a huge influence on the outcome of a shipment. The pallets in Granollers They are the first line of defense to ensure that products arrive at their destination in the same condition as when they left the carrier. The pallets in Granollers  Higher quality products allow for a greater volume of products per shipment, reduce the amount of products lost due to damage or contamination, prevent worker injuries from overloaded or unbalanced shipments, and reduce expenses such as fuel costs.

Pallets in Granollers: the importance of a good selection 

When selecting the pallets in Granollers You must take into account the wide variety of materials that exist from which to select, always adapting to your needs and projects that you will carry out.

Wooden pallets are still king, with a market share of around 90 percent. But other materials, such as engineered wood, plastic, steel and corrugated paper, are gaining ground for specialized uses.

 About three billion wooden pallets circulate in Europe. Pallets are ubiquitous in the supply chain industry, so any change to the way they operate can impact the entire shipping process.

Much of the automotive industry has transitioned to plastic or metal options. A similar shift is occurring in food processing, as plastic units replace the wood for entry and exit movements. We can see that food processors are working upstream to become a more sustainable, more hygienic and more consistently sized solution.

Added to this is that in the selection of the pallets in Granollers size must be taken into account. Consistent pallet sizing is critical as more automated systems are integrated into warehouses and distribution centers. Wood pallets may vary slightly in dimension, especially those that have been extensively repaired. Plastic, steel, and engineered wood pallets typically maintain designed dimensions in thousands of units.
