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What should we take into account when buying pallets in Barcelona?

If you have a company in which you must store and transport things, you surely know the importance of pallets and how useful they can be on a daily basis, but for this to be the case it is important that they are the right ones for you and that are of quality, for this reason in today's new article we want to talk about some things that you should take into account when buying pallets in Barcelona, since unlike what most people think, buying pallets is not as simple as it seems but you have to think about many things.

Tips for buying pallets in Barcelona appropriately

As we have mentioned, when choosing the pallets in Barcelona that you will use in your company, it is very important to take into account different aspects such as the uses that we are going to give it in the future, to transport or to store, the mobile characteristics, the load that it will have to support, the materials of the which is composed and much more.

But the first thing of all is to choose the size we need, since not all pallets are the same size, but there are different measurements, even in our company we can customize them so that they fit perfectly with your needs. The most common are the universal ones that are 1200 mm by 1000 mm, although in Europe the ones most used are the 1200 mm by 800 mm.

Once we are clear about the size we want, we have to look at the material of the pallets, since they are made of cardboard, plastic and wood, although the latter are the most used, so if you choose these you must pay attention to some characteristics such as the porosity of the wood, resistance to humidity, whether it can be painted, whether it has received treatment against fungi and bacteria...

Lastly, when you go shopping pallets in Barcelona It is important that you take into account the load capacity of the pallets, differentiating the static load, which is the amount of weight that the pallets can support when they are stored, and the dynamic load, which is the weight that a pallet that is in storage can support. movement, which will depend on two very important variants, the weight of your products and the use you are going to give to the pallet. So if you want more information about what the type of pallet in Barcelona most suitable for you, do not hesitate to contact us, as we will be happy to help you in everything we can.
