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What are the pallets from our pallet company in Sabadell and what are their uses?

From our pallet company in Sabadell We want you to know that the pallet is a horizontal platform that has many uses and is generally fixed to a superstructure and a lower platform, which is what provides the basis for storing, assembling, handling, transporting materials and products or providing the best protection of the product during the journey of the merchandise. It is the most widely used base for unit loading and is a system that includes a pallet, the merchandise stacked on top and the stretch wrap, as well as the adhesive, pallet collar and other accessories and load stabilization means .

Why trust a wooden pallet company in Sabadell?

Going for a company specialized in the manufacture of wooden pallets guarantees good results, because they know how to treat the product and get the most out of it. At Reciclajes Moa, in addition to offering standard sizes and providing you with specialized advice, we offer you the possibility of purchasing custom-made wooden pallets.

Another advantage of trusting our pallet company in Sabadell is that our objective is to recover the pallet, to extend its useful life as much as possible and leave the minimum residue in its use. Through recovery and recycling, at Reciclajes Moa we present a waste management service, so that companies can have a comfortable, effective and safe system of containers to deposit used pallets, as well as a purchase and sale service. Through these actions we present a comprehensive service that has all the necessary phases to guarantee sustainable use of wooden pallets.

As pallet company in Sabadell We can tell you that wooden pallets offer many clear benefits to any company, especially in the industrial sector:

  • Wooden pallets are easy to use and offer many possibilities. They are easy to manufacture, disassemble, repair, reuse or recycle, which makes them a great attraction for any logistics chain.
  • They are affordable products within the reach of any company, especially if they can be purchased second-hand. This is a perfect option because you get a product of the highest quality that is also being reused and, therefore, the company can buy it cheaper.
  • Portability is another feature to highlight, since wooden pallets make it easier to transport the items and that provides easier tracking.
  • Resistance is another of the pillars of this product, because they are capable of supporting heavy loads and protecting them during transport and makes the transporter's job easier.

We are waiting for you in our pallet company in Sabadell, to discover all the advantages of wooden pallets.
