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We explain the history of the pallet from our pallet factory

Today from our pallet factory We want to talk to you about pallets and their history over the years, so that you know how this wooden structure that we now see regularly in so many places became popular.

The pallet was invented in the 1920s and the first patent related to this wooden structure is dated 1924, registered by an American who described it as Lyft Truck Platform, which means something like lifting platform for trucks.

During the 1930s, pallets became progressively more popular through the development of freight transportation and thanks to the great functionality they provide and the fact that they are very compatible with different types of forklifts.

Although it was not until 1949 that the modern four-entry pallet described so far, by Darling Graeme, was built. The importance and popularity of wooden pallets is made possible thanks to the military sector, because it was a system that made it possible to move millions of tons and that was essential during times of war, especially in World War II.

In the 1950s they became a widely used element in the airline industry, but wooden pallets did not become popular in Spain and France until the 1960s and, since then, they have not stopped growing. both in use, as well as in importance and diffusion, driven especially by the opening of markets and also by economic globalization.

What do we offer you in our pallet factory?

At our pallet factory We aim to reduce waste and offer services such as recycling and pallet recovery. As well as the own manufacture of the custom-made pallet that the client needs, adapting to their needs, paying close attention to the quality of the product we manufacture, a transport service and the profitability of prices to ensure that the logistics service is as most profitable possible for the client.

We are specialists in the purchase and sale of pallets, in the manufacture of custom-made pallets, in waste management and we also offer a container service to collect waste, which is located in the company's own facilities.

At Reciclajes Moa, like pallet factory, we have all the necessary services to adapt to any client, because we have a wide catalog and we also manufacture custom pieces.

We have all the necessary services to adapt to any type of client because we have a catalog of pallets of all sizes and shapes and custom options can be created. You can contact our pallet factory by calling 937 197 971 or sending an email to
