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Types of pallets in Hospitalet and recommendations for use

The pallet is a completely versatile and multipurpose universal tool that is used to carry out various processes, the pallets in Hospitalet They are used, above all, to transport, store, move or stack various types of merchandise.

It is a universal means of maintenance and transportation that has become a perfect system for many types of industries, since there are all types of designs and shapes that can be adapted to the different needs of each sector. In fact, in our company Reciclajes Moa we manufacture custom-made wooden pallets, so that customers can have a product that completely meets their needs.

Transportation benefits from the use of Hospitalet pallets, because there is a consolidation of loads that makes it possible for the pallet and its subsequent maintenance chain at points of sale, with operators or in warehouses to be simpler.

The pallet, we could say, constitutes a unique category if we talk about handling and transportation systems, since it also unifies many areas and simplifies logistics and transportation operations.

And if we talk about pallets in HospitaletThe best known and most used is the European pallet or europalet, although there is another standard size that is also frequently used, such as the American pallet, also known as the universal pallet. In this case, the dimensions are larger and heavy loads can be transported, in addition to being very suitable for the transport of dynamic loads, such as liquids.

Both Hospitalet pallets They offer advantages when stacking and transporting them, because they offer a great capacity to optimize and make better use of the available space and they are easy to move from one place to another with systems such as the forklift.

In today's world of logistics, costs are very costly and customer service is of great importance, so it is really necessary to rethink whether daily operations such as order preparation or palletizing are carried out in the right way. most optimal possible.

If you want to find the best pallets in HospitaletAt Reciclajes Moa we offer you specialized advice, a wide catalog of top quality products, the option of manufacturing custom pallets and we are also committed to sustainability, through recycling and managing the waste that wooden pallets can generate. in companies.

Contact our pallet company in Hospitalet

You can contact us by calling 937 197 971, sending an email to or by filling out the contact form with your information and the reason for your query. We will be happy to help you find the best wooden pallets for your company.
