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The main types of pallets

Reciclajes Moa, as many of you already know, we are a company committed to the environment in which we are mainly dedicated to the construction and sale of wooden pallets, thus becoming one of the leading companies in the sector.

One of the star services that we offer is the manufacture of completely custom-made pallets, since we think that each of our clients is different, so their needs are different and require a unique solution for each of them, that is why Whenever necessary we make custom pallets.

But it is not always necessary to do it to measure, since there are some types of pallets with established dimensions, which we want to show you in today's article, as long as you know this sector perfectly and know what type of pallet of wood you should use in your company.

The four main types of pallets

Many people, before meeting us, thought that pallets were something universal, that is, that they were all the same, but if you look closely, the truth is that they are not, since there are many types, which are classified according to their dimensions, according to the weight they can carry. support or even according to the material with which they have been manufactured, then we are going to see the main types of wooden pallets, although we can find hundreds of different ones.

First of all, we want to talk about European pallets, which without a doubt are one of the most used by different companies. Their measurements are 1200 x 800 millimeters, so they adapt perfectly to most trailers, since they usually have a width of 2400 millimeters, that is, just enough to put two pallets widthwise or three pallets lengthwise.

We also want to talk about American pallets, since they are the same width as the previous ones (1200 millimeters) but they are a little longer (1000 millimeters), so they can also be very useful. Above all, this type of Wooden pallet It is used to transport liquid products.

Finally, we want to talk about a type that is usually used mainly to display consumer products, which are display pallets, since, although they are the same width as the European one (800 millimeters), they are shorter, since they measure 600 millimeters. millimeters, making it the wooden pallets Perfect for displaying products in supermarkets and different types of shops.

If you want to know more about the sector of our company, Reciclajes Moa, don't miss the next posts on our blog, in which we will talk about very interesting topics like today's, and if you still want to know more, don't hesitate to contact we.
