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What benefits does the use of wood have for our health?

As a company of wooden pallets in Sabadell We know that, in addition to being a perfect material for transporting goods or storing products, they can also be used for decorating environments. Today we want to talk about the raw material and the benefits that it can bring to our health, that is, wood.

Wood can provide great benefits to our body, as studies show. In the sympathetic nervous system it is one of the first to respond, because it is closely related to the physiological stress responses of our body. When using pallets of wood in Sabadell To decorate the room, we get a place that provides us with mental and physical well-being, thanks to aesthetics, touch, smell... According to a study by the University of British Columbia and FPInnovations, it has been concluded that the presence of visual surfaces of wood in a room decreases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), in addition to promoting health in the interiors of the rooms.

Spaces that are conditioned or decorated with wood help reduce stress levels and this is due to the primitive relationship between this raw material and us, which arises from the evolutionary beginnings of the human being. There is a clear connection between people and wood that connects us with nature, trees, cooking, the warmth of fire and all those things that give us security, confidence, tranquility, protection and connect with our roots. And on a physical level, wood can reduce humidity in the atmosphere and this benefits our respiratory tract. It is a hygroscopic material, that is, it has the ability to regulate the amount of humidity and this reduces the risk of irritation of our mucous membranes and prevents the proliferation of germs and bacteria.

With the pallets of wood in Sabadell It is possible to recreate or condition an environment, to make it as similar as possible to the natural environment and to generate a feeling of well-being and freedom. Thanks to this material we achieve what we call a “rustic” decoration, which is what we always end up looking for, to be close to nature.

Emotional benefits

The pallets of wood in Sabadell They provide acoustic insulation, since they reduce reverberation from the outside and provide greater comfort and peace to interior rooms, in addition to improving understanding between people speaking, without being hindered by annoying noises.

Wood also provides us with emotional well-being, which is influenced by the elimination of noise and also because humidity is regulated and a more comfortable thermal level is obtained, in addition to the feeling of relaxation provided by the visualization of wooden elements. Furthermore, wood creates a very pleasant microclimate that also contributes to reducing stress and increasing our comfort, also improving creativity, cognitive abilities and the ability to relate to other people in the same environment.
