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What uses do the different types of pallets have in Barcelona?

There are several types of pallets in Barcelona, and all of them are aimed at a special sector or activity. 

For this reason, before deciding on the pallet that we will use, it is necessary to know the material or element that is going to be moved.

In the transport of goods, the pallets in Barcelona They are one of the primary instruments. These resources facilitate safety when moving the load, as well as lifting it using devices such as cranes, forklifts, among other means.

Depending on the material with which they are made, we can name various types of pallets that have one or another advantages, depending on what their use will be. Mainly, we are going to comment on the different types of wooden pallets, since they are the most used in this sector.

At the time of choosing the pallet in Barcelona more correct to carry out the transport, not only the size should be considered, but also the weight that the pallet supports, according to its hardness and quality. Here you must keep in mind not only the weight that the manufacturer gives as static weight, but also the load it supports dynamically.

The wood on the pallets in Barcelona

Wooden pallets are the most common when we refer to this sector, representing a percentage of 90%-95 % on the market. The best known are those from Europe and the Americans. However, they can be classified according to the functionality of the use to which they are intended. Let's get to know them and see what some of their most recommended uses are.

When we talk about reversible pallets, we are talking about the fact that these pallets are created for the transport of quite heavy merchandise. For this reason, they are widely used in the construction area. If you need to move heavy blocks or special construction materials, these pallets in Barcelona They are the most correct choice for you.

The quality that best identifies them is their affinity for both sides, that is, their physical appearance is similar on one side and the other.

The group of pallets aimed at the chemical industry are those known as CP pallets. These pallets are European pallets that have a minimum support of 1,200 kg, and a very secure closing system.

The pallets in Barcelona, With small measurements, they remain designed for use in the logistics of transport agencies. When preparing orders, these agencies benefit from this type of pallets that improve their preparation. 
