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Types of weights, resistances and materials of pallets

The sale of pallets in Barcelona It does not stop growing and it is a product that offers a lot of versatility, both in the business environment and in the home environment. Today, as a company specialized in sale of pallets in Barcelona We want to talk to you about the different types of pallets that you can find, depending on their weight, material and resistance.

Weights and resistances

To know how much load a pallet resists and how it reacts to impacts, we must know its weight and resistance, since compression resistance is what tells us the load it can carry, also adding resistance to impact and bending. We can classify them into:

Light pallets (one way); They are the most economical pallets and are used for export and storage. It weighs around 9 kg.

Heavy pallets (heavy duty); They are pallets resistant to use and weight and can be reused, normally used in industrial sectors. Its weight ranges between 17 and 25 kg.

Medium pallets; It is an intermediate option that seeks efficiency between the amount of load it can support and the efficiency of the weight of the pallet. Its weight ranges from 10 to 16 kg.

Types of materials

wooden pallets; They are the most used and you can find wood that comes from conifers (evergreen species such as fir or different varieties of pine and are very light) or hardwoods (trees that shed and produce leaves such as birch or chestnut). and that provide a resistant and heavy wood). At Reciclajes Moa we are specialists in sale of pallets of wood in Barcelona.

Wood fiber pallets; They are presented as an ecological and lighter alternative and are made from wood chips and amino resins, which make their recycling much easier.

cardboard pallets; They are pallets that stand out for their lightness although they are single-use. It guarantees safety conditions for transportation in the agri-food industry.

Plastic pallets; They can be manufactured with polyethylene, polypropylene or other high-density materials. They are very resistant types of compact plastics, but they generate more waste than wooden pallets, for example.

Expanded polystyrene pallets, also known as polystyrene. They are widely used due to their low cost and light weight.

Metal pallets; They are designed to withstand large dynamic loads and can be made from steel or aluminum. They have a high price and have great durability.

At Reciclajes Moa you will find the best wooden pallets for your company, since we offer many options and we can also make custom pallets. We also have a pallet recycling service, to extend their useful life for as long as possible. We are a company specialized in sale of pallets in Barcelona, so we can offer you specialized advice on choosing pallets.
